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Waynesville Mail

Winter Preparedness: A Quick Guide

It’s that time of year again: snowbanks and slippery roads. That’s right, it is time to outfit your vehicle for a “worst case” scenario where you may be stuck on your own for a bit. Here is a quick rundown of what you may need to help yourself should the worst occur. 

  1. Phones. On top of the cell phone that you likely have in your pocket, consider charging one of the old unused phones you have sitting around and storing it in your glove box. Even your old phone can call 911, should the need arise. 
  2. Food/Water. This category can take many forms. When I lived in southern Arizona, I kept one of those military MREs and a couple gallons of water in my trunk. Desert heat can kill you quick and the same is true for Illinois winters. A high calorie food source, like an MRE, is desirable and we all need water. Living back in Illinois, I no longer carry water by the gallon, instead I prefer the standard 20 ounce bottles. 20 ounce bottles are much easier to thaw using your vehicle's heating system. 
  3. Extra Clothes. Have an old work coat? Toss it in your vehicle. Add gloves, extra socks, and a blanket or two. If you have to wait for help, you may need the extra warmth.
  4. Traction. If you find yourself in a ditch, you may be able to get yourself out if you plan ahead. Some kitty litter or sand under your tires may help you get out of a bad situation and back on the road.
  5. Lights. Not every unfortunate situation happens in the light of day. You'll need at least a flashlight with fresh batteries if you plan on travelling during the night. I'd also recommend a camp light that provides 360 degrees of illumination. Consider changing the batteries on a monthly basis as extreme cold can drain energy quickly. 

It is tough to predict what emergency situation one may be faced with during the winter months. Personally, I choose to abide by the old Boy Scout adage of "Be Prepared", as simple preparations can make the difference between life and death during situations involving extreme temperatures.

Erik Malmgren

Erik Malmgren was the Mail Correspondent covering the Mackinaw, Deer Creek and Heritage Lake communities from August 2021 until July 2022.